Monday, June 29, 2009


Let me start by saying that last week was pretty good. For some reason, Mommy started sleeping later and Daddy started letting me out in the mornings. At first I thought it was a weekend, but after several days like this I just decided to accept it and enjoy it. More time with Mommy is always good. Then came yesterday...

Yesterday, we all got up early like it was a regular day, so I thought that things would be normal. Too hot to walk (thankfully Daddy figured out a long time ago that since I have a yard we don't need to go for walks in the heat) so a quick trip out for needed things and then back into the nice cool house. Well, Mommy had spent the day before putting all kinds of things into those big blue boxes that they take with them when they leave me alone for a long time, and that should have been my tip to be wise, but I ignored it. So, up early and then Daddy goes out front and there is Auntie Laurie! I got to go out and say hi to her without a collar! Talk about a rare treat! I tried to sneak off to explore the neighborhood, but everybody was watching me and I got lured back inside with the promise of treats (I'm such a sucker for that.) They took a bunch of things out to Auntie Laurie's car and closed the door behind them and kept me in, so I stood there waiting patiently. Daddy came in, but not Mommy. After a few minutes of no Mommy, I decided that she went somewhere and would be back later.

Well, bed time came and still no Mommy. Daddy started talking on the phone, and when he does that when it's close to bed time that usually means that Mommy is just about home. I got all excited and went to the door and waited. Daddy called me back and stuck something by my ear and I thought I could hear Mommy talking to me, so I ran to the door again. No Mommy. Daddy took me outside for my evening relief, and then gave me my treats and put me to bed. I went to sleep waiting for Mommy, figuring that she would be home very late and that I would get to sleep in with her tomorrow (today.)

This morning, Daddy got me up again and we did the usual morning things, and then he went in to stand in the water. I looked around the house. No Mommy! I sniffed all over, but her scent was starting to fade. This made me sad, so I went and hid in my safe spot under the bed. Since then, I have been out for two rides today with Daddy. Once in his truck (this whole thing with Mommy missing has got me so upset that I forgot to order breakfast, but they know me there so I got what I wanted anyway) and then in Mommy's car. We drove for a bit and then Grandpa got in. That was nice to see him, but I had to ride in the back seat, which I don't like much. After he got out I got to get back into the front for the ride home. So, now we're home, but still no Mommy.

All of this has got me tired, so I'm going to take a nap. I'll write more later.


Vicki said...

I am sure Mommy misses you too!

Maggy said...

I don't know because Daddy won't tell me!