Saturday, December 27, 2008

More Beagles Than I Imagined

The last week has been great! I love having Mommy home. I will be very sad when she has to go back to school and will be away for many hours in the day.

We had a great Christmas. I got to go up to Grandma and Grandpa's house where there were a lot of people! I was trying to be so good and even help in the kitchen, but every time I went in there I was being told to get out. But as I said there were a lot of people there to give me carrots and I even got a few good crumbs off of the floor. I was really tired when we left and slept all the way home.

Today I went and did something totally fun! Mommy took me to Beagle Meet Up at the dog park, and guess what? There were a lot of other Beagles there! I got to sniff a lot of things, run around with other Beagles, and even had to give one guy my opinion. He was being very rude and kept trying to pin me down, I'm sorry, but no one is going to pin this girl down. Mommy was proud that I didn't just follow her around. I hope that Mommy takes me to the dog park some more, because I had fun. Mommy even took a few pictures of me to share.

Me and my new friend Bandit. Just lil 'ol me.

While we were at Beagle Meet Up Mommy sent Daddy a message on her phone with a picture of me to show that I was having a good time, and Daddy sent her a message back saying to just come home with one. What do you think that means? They can't be thinking of another dog? Can they? I'm not sure if I like the idea of having to share my Mommy and Daddy with anyone! But then again, it might be nice to not be blamed for everything all the time.

Well I feel a nap coming on, it was a lot of fun, but now I need to rest up for whatever my next adventure may be.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Heated Seats Rock!

Last week was such a great week, and this one is starting out pretty good too. Last week Mommy was home a lot more, but Daddy still was working. Each morning Daddy would get up and feed me breakfast and then let me outside. After I came back in I got my treat and then got back in bed with Mommy and went back to sleep for a while. I would wake up to Mommy rubbing my tummy or ears. Can things get any better than this?

I also got to go out to Mommy classroom where I had a lot of fun smelling things and exploring in her little playground. Mommy was amazed that I wanted to go out there and be by myself. At home I don't like to go outside and spend time alone in my yard. I even had to scratch at the classroom door to make my point that I wanted to go out there. Besides, at home there are not little treats waiting for me like there are out there. Those kids drop a lot of their snacks on the ground. Can you find me in the picture below?

One of the parts that I like about going places with Mommy in her car are the heated seats.... I ask can it get any better? Mommy will turn my seat on and I will either lean against the back so I can feel it below me and behind me, or I will lay down and on it. I love those seats. If we are running errands they will stay warm while Mommy is doing her stuff and then they heat back up when the car is turned back on.

Well it's time for my nap. I am going to to and find Mommy and Daddy and see what they are doing. I promise to post again soon because I know there are some things that I am forgetting to tell everyone about.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Here I am

I know that I haven't posted lately but you see there have been problems. You see, Daddy's computer died and I lost all of my notes on how to get in here, and I just NOW figured it out again. When I saw how long it had been since I posted I had to cringe, what is that saying you humans use about time flying?

Let me update you on what is going on in our house. Mom went back to school, and has been tearing her hair out with her class this year. She is teaching a grade they call kindergarten and has some kids who if given the chance I would bite for causing her such headaches. Here's a picture of me in her new classroom. I like visiting this classroom, it has a yard that I can go play and explore in. Oh, and when I visit I find all of the crumbs and things that the kids dropped when they eat their snack. Her room also has a bathroom and the toilets are at my level! I have never been able to look into a toilet before! But I do not drink out of it... GROSS!

Daddy has been working from home as usual. As I mentioned his computer died. He took the chance and turned it off when him and Mommy abandoned me for a few days and went on a trip. I went to Nana and Grandpa's house to visit. I like visiting them in the summer when there are lots of things to eat in the garden. I was there at the end of October.

I have gotten in the habit of not wanting to go for a walk in the morning, it is WAY too cold! I snuggle on my down throw on the couch and let Mommy come and kiss me goodbye. On the mornings that I have been talked into going out the garage door once I hit the cold of the driveway I hightail it back to wait by the door to go inside. Usually we walk at lunch or sometimes later in the day, when it is warmer. Daddy doesn't really like the cold either.

I'm very exited that Mommy only has two more days of school and then she is home with me for a month! This means that after breakfast and my morning trip out in the yard that I will be able to snuggle in bed with Mommy and go back to sleep. Have I ever mentioned that Mommy is NOT a morning person? Daddy has one more week and then he is going to be off of work for two weeks. Two whole weeks with Mommy and Daddy to myself, what will I do?

Okay, I have worn myself out updating everyone on what is going on. I feel a nap coming on. I promise not to let so much time pass between posts again.