Saturday, February 7, 2009

Terrible Weekend

It has taken me a week to recover, but last weekend Mommy and I didn't have a good weekend. Our reasons for having bad weekends were entirely separate, but to put it plainly the weekend sucked for both of us.

I will tell you about my bad weekend first, since it is MY blog. I was coping with being home alone because both Mommy and Daddy left on Saturday Morning. I was minding my own business when Daddy came home. Of course, I was happy to see Daddy and even did an appropriate amount of wiggling when he told me that we were going for a ride. I like going for rides with Daddy and sometimes the places he goes to gives me treats. We were in Mommy's car and he turned on the seat for me (read previous post on my opinion of heated seats) and things were going well. We pulled up at Petsmart, I like this place; I think that I should be able to go into a lot of places like I do here. Daddy and I walk in the door, and instead of turning left to get dog food or treats, or turning right to get stuff for the guinea pigs we go straight to the back of the store. That can only mean one thing; BATH! I start putting on the breaks but Daddy drags me along and leaves me with those strange people who do terrible things to me. They gave me a bath, put me in the drying thing that I don't like, and worse of all cut my nails. It took Mommy and Daddy a long time to come and get me too!

Now about Mommy's bad weekend. She went and met Aunt Laurie to go blab, blab, blab. I don't know how they can talk for so long. She left there and went and met Daddy for lunch, this was before he came and got me. She took some of those plastic things out of her wallet (Daddy said it was something called her license and ATM card) to go and pay for her lunch because Daddy had eaten without her. I guess somehow she left those plastic things on the tray and when she got up to go potty one of the workers came and took the tray to throw the stuff away. Mommy was pretty panicked. Daddy was pretty mad and told her that she needs to keep those things in her wallet. So Daddy had to drive her around until she could go to a place called DMV where Daddy and I dropped her off at. She was there for a very long time. The good part of the mess was that she stayed home on Monday so that she could go to that DMV place and we got to sleep in and she was home with me.

Other than that things went back to normal. Mommy is something that Daddy calls stressed. She has been needing extra love from me, but I don't mind.

Okay, enough for now. Sorry I don't have a picture this time, I haven't been in the mood to smile for the camera.